Collection profile – formal

As an open access service, reading access to the content published on SlavDok is possible worldwide without any restrictions. However, as a target group-oriented publication service of the Slavonic Studies Specialised Information Service, SlavDok is exclusively available to graduate academic staff of universities and non-university research institutions. Student theses are only accepted for publication on SlavDok in exceptional cases and exclusively on the basis of written reviews by university lecturers. There are no formal restrictions on the types of texts accepted - from monographs to conference papers and blog posts. However, especially in the case of articles that have already been published in journals and collected editions, the self-archiving of the paginated publisher's version or at least a postprint of the actually published text version is preferred to the publication of a preprint that is not identical in content. In this context, please also refer to the information provided by the SHERPA/RoMEO directory on the open access policy of international publishers as well as the supplementary information on the copyright framework of electronic publishing on SlavDok.

Collection profile – content

From a content perspective, two selection criteria for a first or second publication on SlavDok are binding: firstly, the thematic alignment of the respective contribution within the field of Slavonic studies, and secondly, its scholarly quality as demonstrated by the academic reputation of the submitting individual - documented through their affiliation with a university or non-university research institution - or by the scholarly prestige of the original place of publication. SlavDok does not conduct a further scholarly quality assessment of the submitted texts but reserves the right, in principle, to not publish contributions for formal or content-related reasons. The Specialized Information Service for Slavonic Studies strongly encourages you to retain a non-exclusive exploitation right for the electronic publication of your research results for the purpose of free and permanent use when concluding future publishing agreements. You can find sample wordings for a corresponding contract addendum on